Ac No : 146 90 1000 89 772 Account Holder : Sreerag A.S IFC Code : FDRL0001469 Branch : Kakkanad / Seaport- Airport Road
UPI : sreeragas@upi or nexabion@federal
Ac No : 670 735 09 764 Account Holder : Sreerag A.S IFC Code : SBIN0070736 Branch : Kodaly
UPI : sreeragas@sbi
DD / MO |
In favour of
Sreerag A.S
Chaithanya Matrimony Analiparambil Family Trust Building Chembuchira P.O Thrissur - 680 684 Ph: 944 60 70 787
You can also make payment by scanning the below UPI address using any UPI apps (Like BHIM, PayTM, PhonePay, Google Pay etc)

Attention for Offline Payment Members : After successfull payment transfer, please inform us through email or whatsapp about your payment. (Date, Profile ID, Amount, Mode of Payment). More Questions? Please feel free to contact us.